Peterborough County Agricultural Wall of Fame

Peterborough County
Agricultural Wall of Fame
Applications and Inductee Gallery

Ross Steed (1937-2012),  Lois Steed (1941-2015)

Ross Steed (1937-2012), Lois Steed (1941-2015)

2019 , Inductees 🕔October 9, 2019

Ross and Lois purchased their Indian River farm in 1967.  Sugarvalley Maple became home to a maple syrup business, a maple supply company, a milking Holstein herd, a purebred Hereford herd, and cash crops.

The maple syrup business grew from 300 buckets to more than 4,000 taps under the guidance of Ross, along with a Candy Kitchen operated by Lois.  They were among the earliest adopters of a reverse osmosis system in the maple industry, implementing leading-edge technology to grow their business.  They were Royal Agricultural Winter Fair World Champions in 1980.  Through the years, they won many awards (7 Corbett Trophies and 8 Premier Exhibitor awards).  Ross became the first producer certified as a World Class Maple Syrup Judge and judged at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.  Ross helped develop the Seal of Quality and a grading program for the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association.  He served as provincial president from 1982-84. 

Lois taught maple craft at the Maple Syrup Production School for Value-added Products at Cornell University.  She sold maple syrup at the Peterborough Farmers Market.  Lois was a 40-plus-year member of the Women’s Institute and was an early member of the Survivors Abreast dragon boat team, competing both nationally and internationally.

Ross was a member of the Peterborough Holstein Club, Ontario Hereford Association, Ontario Wheat Board, and a 4-H leader.  The Steeds volunteered for over 40 years at Lang Pioneer Village.  Ross enjoyed running the shingle mill, and in 2010 he won the Ontario Volunteer Service medal.

Nominated by the Steed family, 2019